Reenactors wishing to attend our events should contact Sean Wallis at Our Siege of Charles Town event is set in 1780. CCTFest is an all-inclusive event set in 1776, but it covers multiple eras and we welcome reenactors from all periods in the eighteenth century.
All reenactor participants are required to sign a waiver in order to participate in our events. These waivers will be made available on the day of the event, or alternatively, they can be downloaded below so that you can fill them out ahead of time and avoid the line! Either bring your waiver with you on the day of the event or print, scan, and email them to:
Location, Camping and Supplies
All of our events are held in the lowcountry area, which includes beautiful historic Charleston and is also near the beaches and plantation district. The Siege of Charles Town is held at Mullet Hall Equestrian Center on John’s Island, and makes for a wonderful sightseeing and tourism opportunity. Reenactors are welcome to camp onsite, but there are also plenty of hotels and local restaurants available for those who don’t want to weather the outdoors.
Camp for the Siege of Charles Town will be open to set up on Friday and be open to the public at 9 AM on Saturday. Currently, camping details have not been arranged for our June event, CCTFest. Stay tuned!
Firewood and straw will be provided on a per unit basis for the Siege of Charles Town. There will also be a ball and complimentary Saturday night dinner for the reenactors. We do not provide a powder stipend. CCTFest will be held in the summer and parts of the event will be in air conditioning, but we still highly recommend that all units require their members to bring canteens and whatever else members require to stay cool.
Sutlers and local vendors are welcome to attend our events. Please contact us for further details about sutler fees and vendor arrangements.
Rules and Guidelines: Siege of Charles Town
- As mentioned earlier, camp will be open for set up on Friday and will be closing Sunday night.
- As with all reenactments, safety waivers are required. We ask that units sign waivers in advance, but if you come at the last minute or we don’t catch you on Friday, Ariel will be collecting any unsigned waivers Saturday morning before the battle. Anyone without a waiver will not be permitted to fire.
- Any reenactors wishing to fire weapons will be required to attend a safety inspection held before the battle. Participants involved in the battle should be at least 16 years old.
- While we are allowed to fire artillery and muskets, for safety reasons bayonet combat will be kept at a minimum distance of 3 feet and ram rods will not be drawn. Any fencing demonstrations will be done with modern masks and safety equipment.
- We ask that any reenactors wear period-appropriate attire and cover up any modern amenities in their camp during public hours. (9 AM-5 PM)
We would like to thank all of our reenactor volunteers for coming and devoting their time to make our event special. As reenactors ourselves, we understand what goes into an impression and an event, and we appreciate your efforts. If there are any questions we can answer or anything we can do to make your stay easier, please let us know.